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This website is about the various aspects of photography. It includes the history, some different types of photography and some famous photographers

What is photography

Photography is the act of capturing a picture - a photograph – on lightsensitive film or, in the case of digital photography, on a digital electronic or magnetic memory. In practically every facet of modern life, the photograph may be found.

Some aspects of photography


Aspect 1Texture

Texture in photography refers to the visual quality of an object's surface as revealed by variations in shape, tone, and colour depth. Images that might otherwise appear bland and boring gain life and vibrancy because of its texture.


Aspect 2Shape

Shape in photography is pretty easy to understand. It is just the shape of the object in the resulting photo.


Aspect 3Colour

Colour is, along with light, one of the most crucial aspects of photography. Everything from the composition and aesthetic appeal to the viewer's attention and emotions is influenced by it. Colour contrast can bring out a certain element and signify importance but using similar colours can make it blend in with its surroundings and it will lose a lot of value in that photo.

Depth of field

Aspect 4Depth of field

The gap between the closest and farthest objects in a photograph that appears sharp is known as depth of field. A deep depth of field will put a longer distance into focus and the opposite, a shallow depth of field will put just or a little more than the subject into focus.

This is a good image as it shows all of the above, good texture, shape, colour and depth of field. The foreground shows vibrant colours as well as good texture making it stand out and pop

Good exapmle