
Portrait Photography

Portrait photography is a photo of a person or a group of people. It tells a story about their environment, their profession, their culture, or how they’re feeling in that particular time and place.

Portrait Photo


Photojournalism is a way of using images to communite stories of a significant event or location. Photojournalism should be as objective and truthful as possible, with candid moments captured as they happen, taking truthfulness over beautiful images.


Fashion Photography

Fashion photography enhances the appeal of fashion clothing, shoes, and accessories by highlighting and idolising them. It is often found in magazines and on the internet.

Fashion Phtography

Still life Photography

Still life photography is defined as any image displaying an inanimate, natural or man-made subject. Still life photography is often confused with product photography, however still life photography is more of an artistic or conceptual kind of photography.

Still life Photography

Editorial Photography

Images that accompany text in periodicals to help convey a story or educate readers are referred to as editorial photography.

Editorial Photography

Architectural Photography

Architectural photography is a bit similar to fashion photography as it showcases the beauty of the subject however the subject is architecture and design of buildings instead of the fashion style of the subject.

Architectural Photography

Nature Photography

Nature photography is a broad category of photography that focuses on capturing natural aspects such as landscapes,wildlife, plants, and close-ups of natural settings and textures while being taken outside.

Nature Photography
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