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Steve McCurry

Steve McCurry is an American photographer, freelancer, and photojournalist. He has worked for National Geographic on numerous assignments and has been a member of Magnum Photos since 1986.

Robert Frank

Robert Frank, a Swiss-American photographer and director known for his sarcastic depictions of American life, was one of the most prominent photographers of the mid-twentieth century.

Elliott Erwitt

Elliott Erwitt is a black-and-white candid photographer noted for his black-and-white candid images of sardonic and ludicrous situations in daily surroundings. Since 1953, he has been a member of Magnum Photos.

David LaChapelle

David LaChapelle is a photographer and film director from the United States. "Hyper-real and slyly subversive" and "kitsch pop surrealism" have been used to define his photographic approach.

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Name: Steve

DOB: April 23, 1950

Nationality: American

Some of Steves's Work

Steve's work Steve's work Steve's work

Name: Robert

DOB: November 9, 1924

Nationality: Swiss

Some of Robert's Work

Robert6's work Robert6's work Robert6's work

Name: Elliott

DOB: 26 July 1928

Nationality: French

Some of Elliott's Work

elliott's work elliott's work elliott's work

Name: David

DOB: 11 March 1963

Nationality: American

Some of David's Work

david's work david's work david's work